Kasia und Basia droht ein schreckliches Schicksal!

May 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured articles

18.5.2011 – Posted by Mervi

Dear friends, I just received a newsletter from Vier Pfoten who are in urgent need of our help to rescue the two female bears Kasia and Basia from a little zoo in Poland to Bärenwald Müritz. I hope we are all willing to help with a donation. Greetings from Mervi

Die zwei polnischen Bärinnen fristen ihr Dasein unter erbärmlichen Bedingungen in dem Mini-Zoo Leszno in Polen.

Doch nun möchte der Zoobetreiber die Wildtierhaltung aufgeben, findet jedoch für die beiden Bärinnen keine Abnehmer.

VIER PFOTEN setzt jetzt alles daran, Kasia und Basia aus ihrer katastrophalen Haltung zu befreien, um ihnen im BÄRENWALD Müritz in Deutschland ein artgemäßes Leben zu ermöglichen.


Doch die Überführung der Bärinnen in den BÄRENWALD Müritz und die notwendige und umfangreiche medizinische Versorgung kosten etwa 20.000 Euro!

Helfen Sie uns mit einer finanziellen Unterstützung von 10, 25, 50 Euro oder jeder anderen Spende Ihrer Wahl, um den beiden Bärendamen ein neues Leben im BÄRENWALD Müritz zu ermöglichen!


Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!


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  1. KASIA and BASIA you certainly deserve HELP as any tortured being, human or animal, should get immediately. Just tell me, where shall we begin and where end . . . Unfortunately none of us has unlimited means – I am afraid. Let’s see what we can do. In any case I cross my fingers for a lot of people WILLING a n d being ABLE to help!!

  2. Dear Mervi, made immediately a contribution to support this project. Hope that both bears will soon be able to live in Muritz. Thanks for informing us.

  3. Dear Mervi,
    thank you for this alert. Knowing about Kasia and Basia, it is hearbreaking. Not a single bear should live under such circumstances. Help for the bears is urgently needed. Each Euro is counting. I hope that the bears will be in Müritz asap.

    Please note: When filling out the donation form do not forget to indicate how often you would like to send money. The monthly donation is prefixed automatically.

  4. Liebe Mervi,
    oh, den beiden armen Bären muss schnell geholfen werden. Ich werde auch meinen bescheiden Anteil dazu tun. Danke für die Info.
    Herzlichst, Annemarie

  5. Dear Mervi
    How can I know that the money goes just for this action? And I have no information about this two bears, the photo shows only one?
    Yes o.K., I know that Vier Pfoten is a good known Organisation. Please, could we get some more information about Kasia and Basia?

  6. Dear Sirpa, if you take a closer look at the pic, you will see two noses!!! and yes, Vier Pfoten is a well-known organization, having a good reputation. I think that for further information, one can just send an e-mail to them. In case of a contribution, I did not use the link, but made the transfer via my bank with the express mention that it was for Kasia and Basia. and all little bits do help (after all, none of us is a millionaire).

  7. Dear Sirpa, Just like Patricia I fully trust Vier Pfoten and I’m sure they’ll be reporting about Kasia and Basia in their newsletters. You can subsribe them – you’ll find more information on their homepage.

    KWM will, of course, report about these two bears as soon as there is new information!

    Hugs from Mervi

  8. can u take paypal as a gift? no fees to u… it is much easier way to donate..u just need a bank account and a email ,,,,,,.phil

  9. Dear Phil,

    I can’t answer your question but please, contact the Vier Pfoten and ask about the possibility to donate via paypal. If it’s not possible yet maybe they can make it possible. I know it’s an easy way to transfer money.

    Greetings from Mervi

  10. Good morning to everybody reading here – have a nice Pentecost-weekend.

    The two bears BASIA and KASIA had been obviously transported yesterday from LEZNO
    to BÄRENWALD MÜRITZ – I heard in in a short note on TV this nicht.

    For everybody who is interested in the further destiny of the – hoepfully soon HAPPY – bears:



  11. Dear Dumba,

    My heart is singing! Thank you for telling us the good news!

    Thank you also, Bärenwald Müritz, for taking care of these two lovely bears and offering them a good home!

    Thank you, Vier Pfoten, for all your efforts to help animals!

    Hugs from Mervi

  12. VIDEO – NDR – 11. Juni 2011:

    Kasia und Basia in Sicherheit – Bericht bei 4 Pfoten – 14. Juni 2011: