January 29, 2011 - Lily's Den

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Hochgeladen von am 29.01.2011

We're getting pretty brave making pronouncements about the sexes when these cubs are so young—especially starting a week ago when they were only a day old. We first got an inkling that the dark cub was a female when a brief reflection of what we thought was urine shined from the right spot. In this clip the same cub flashed a vulva, which most people would confuse as being a scrotum, but the scrotum is not yet developed in male cubs. We really think we have a male and a female. This is great because it means there is another female to carry on the trusting tradition of June and Lily. The male cub will likely leave the study area at 1 or 2 years of age while the female remains.






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  • the Mom seems annoyed by the camera light..or is this one of those seein the dark cameras?

  • @Julsinmaine101 Yes, this camera has infrared light on it. The bears do not see the light at all.

  • what happened? ....saw this and comments on it a few hours ago that now we know at least one is a male

    thanks for keeping us up to date

  • @gaiagale A description was added to the video, sorry for the confusion.

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